Astrology, Magic, and, Success


Experience that counts

We’ve been helping clients for over a decade through time-tested, traditional spiritual practice. Combining extensive knowledge of traditional astrology with the spiritual traditions of African American conjure, medieval talismanic magic, and spirit-work, we help you manifest your desires and dreams in love, success, career, justice, and wealth.


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Natal Readings/ Birth Chart Horoscope


Detailed personalized horoscopes based on traditional techniques. We map out the trajectory of the client’s life with insight into the dynamics and forces behind major events and provide concrete predictions of what the future holds in store. Learn what the future has in store for you in regards to love, money, career, and success. Whether you want to know about a specific area, or a general understanding of your life path, a natal reading can give you the answers you are looking for.

Year Ahead Reading/Solar Return


Solar Return or Year Ahead readings are ideal to understand what the year before you has in store for you. By setting the horoscope for the exact date the sun returns to the position it occupied at your birth, we can see what the main arc and events of the year will be and predict events for the year to come.

Horary Reading


Coming Soon


“The most life-changing, thorough consultation I have ever received.” -Mary, Portland OR

“I’ve never had any luck in love, all my relationships fall apart and have been traumatic. I had a natal reading with the ConjureMan and he gave me answers I desperately needed. He showed me why this keeps happening and prescribed me a talisman and candle to take back my life and joy.” -Ronda, Dallas TX

“Wow, wow, wow…he told me I’d find love in 4 months and exactly to a day I met my boyfriend!” -Kelly, Trenton NJ