What I offer
I am a traditionally-trained spiritual work with over a decade of experience. I combine practical, solution-oriented magical work with clear insight to bring you the best, most effective results for achieving your desires
Astrologer: I am trained and certified in traditional astrology. I use the classic planets and zodiac associations to provide concrete predictions combined with powerful timing techniques to help you capture the power of your horoscope.
Geomancer: I am a practitioner of a living-branch of North African and Middle Eastern geomancy which I use to help provide detailed understanding of your life path and future.
Mage: I am a master practitioner of hoodoo, conjure, talismanic magic, and North African spirit-sorcery which I use to manifest powerful results for my clients. I am also a priest (Tata) in the African Traditional Religion of Quimbanda.
I combine clear insight and divination with powerful ritual to bring magical power to any situation for my clients to manifest love, success, money, and fame.
If you are interested in rootwork you have to first set up either a reading. Either geomancy, or horary reading can provide clear insight into your situation and whether we can undertake rootwork
Astrological Natal Reading / Birth Chart Horoscope
Detailed personalized horoscopes based on traditional techniques. We map out the trajectory of the client’s life with insight into the dynamics and forces behind major events and provide concrete predictions of what the future holds in store.
Each report will include a detailed horoscope covering the major points in your life (love, money, success etc) along with specific timing and predictions giving you a clear map of what the future holds, You will also receive custom ritual work to capture and manifest the promise of your horoscope.
We require your exact time of birth (can be found on birth certificate), birthday, and location of birth. If there is a particular issue you’d like to know about in your life, please include in the booking form.
Schedule an appointment by clicking the button and filling out the form. You’ll receive your emailed report and chart on the day of.
Geomantic Life Reading
Using the ancient technique of geomancy we see what the year ahead has in store for you. A geomancy reading will show us how love, money, and success will manifest in the year to come.
Geomancy readings can also be used to answer yes/no questions and provide insight into specific queries like “will I get the job,” “when will I get married,”
Your emailed report will include a detailed consultation for the upcoming year along with a personalized ritual to manifest the very best for you.
Year Ahead/Solar Return Reading
Solar Return or Year Ahead readings are ideal to understand what the year before you has in store for you. By setting the horoscope for the exact date the sun returns to the position it occupied at your birth, we can see what the main arc and events of the year will be.
Solar Return readings can break down major activity by month, warn you of dangers ahead, special opportunities, and grant insight into the all the important events of the year. Want to know about any changes in love, career, health, friendships, or what obstacles lay ahead? Solar Return readings provide the most accurate and detailed answers.
Ideally you will want to first get an Astrological Natal reading first so we can compare the promise of your birth chart with the manifestation in the year ahead. All Solar Return readings will come with personalized and custom ritual work to capture the promise of the year along with key power dates for you to take advantage of.
We will need your time, date, and place of birth along with any issues or questions you’d like us to focus on. Please fill this out in the booking form when you schedule via the button below:
Horary Reading or Yes/No Readings
Horary readings uses the powers of astrology to divine specific answers for questions. This provides clear answers to any pressing question or issue by using the chart cast at the moment of the query. Using this ancient method we can provide detailed and specific insight into questions you may have like “will I get the job,” “does my crush have feelings for me?” “Will I get that promotion?” “Will I will my competition?” “Is my enemy secretly working against me?” “Will we get back together?” and much more.
Because Horary readings cast a chart for the time of the question we do not need your specific birth details.
You may book using our scheduling button. In the booking form please include the question you’d like us to read.
Currently Booked until December
Relationship/Compatibility reading
Relationship and Compatibility readings, sometimes known as synastry charts use the birth horoscope of you and your partner to pinpoint specific areas of compatibility and tension. This is a perfect tool for understanding more about your relationship, the way you meld together as a couple, and areas of improvement or concern. No one is locked in a specific fate in regards to who they can love, but compatibility readings offer us a chance to see how well two or more people’s personality, lives, and future weave together.
We require the birth time, day, and location of both people in order to create a compatibility chart. Your report will include the specific trajectory of your relationship, what the future holds for the two of you, potential for marriage or commitment, children (if applicable), sex life, how well your life philosophies support one another, emotional and financial needs, and more. You will also receive remediation advice on any area of improvement.
Coming Soon
Combing accurate divination and reading with powerful magic can we can manifest your desires bringing your happiness, love, wealth, and success.
1. What your love life is going to look like
2. When you'll get married or get that job
3. Will you be successful or famous?
4. What obstacles are in your way to achieving success?
5. Are you cursed or is there an astrological affliction?
6. What your life has in store for you
7. How does your finances look in life
1. Will you find love in the coming year
2. Will you get that promotion
3. Is there any blocks or hindrances in the year to come
4. How does your financial situation look for the year
5. Will that move have a good result for you
1. Precise details on how your love life will look in the coming year
2. Specifics on your money and work situation for the coming year
3. Which months, weeks, and days will be peak periods of activity for you
4. How to take advantage of the right astrological timing to manifest your desires and goals
5. What dangers and obstacles to look out for
6. When is the ideal time to launch that project
7. What are the major themes and issues of the upcoming year
“My horary reading was the most accurate and specific reading I have ever gotten—Conjure Man even got the exact time my ex would come back! ”